Financial management

Financial management: objective and independent advice

Individually tailored capital structure

Rather than using standard finance solutions, an individual and optimised capital structure is developed and implemented for each company (including terms and conditions, reporting requirements and structure of finance partners).

Integrated finance solutions

IfW objectively analyses the advantages and drawbacks of financing options and creates financial models with integrated capital structures.

Increased transparency

Analysis of the finance structures improves the transparency of the company’s own risk situation and provides the basis for open communication with the borrower’s banks.

Independent consulting

IfW does not act as an investor so it is able to advise the company independently, without any conflict of interest.

Objective advice on corporate financing

Companies can use a large number of possible financing instruments. Choosing the right instruments is not easy. Therefore, IfW examines possibilities for optimisation and advises on the selection of suitable financing instruments and partners. Our services include

Careful analysis

Integrated corporate planning

Qualified advice

We support our clients in improving their rating as follows:

Our external controlling services



Reporting system

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